Monday, May 5, 2014

Must Remember Must Do's for doctoral student in art!

1. PhD in art doesn't require the production of a doctoral thesis.

2. I would instead, need to do:
- 1 or 2 exhibitions.
- 2 texts: one is the conversation, the other is article-like references/appendices.
The conversation is about the subjective conversational development of my own work.
The reference/appendices is more about how I relate my work to works of other artists or theorists to link my research into a wider reference within the world of contemporary art etc.   

3. Methodology used in art as research do not have sets of restricted rules as required in other branch of social sciences. Instead, it is fluidly reinventing methods along its creative process.

4. The purpose of art is, is not to prove nor to measure up things.
Art is instead existed to touch people's heart to return to their humanity. 

(Bahasa Indonesianya: "Seni itu diperlukan untuk menggugah orang untuk kembali kepada akar kemanusiaannya", pesan dari Bang Ade, guruku dan temanku.)

Friday, April 25, 2014

Mulai lagi mulai lagi mulai menulis lagi mengumpulkan buah-buah pikiran yang tersendat karena tersandera artist block aka (sok mau) perfeksionis yang lahir dari ketakutan-ketakutan itu sendiri. Ah, manusia benar-benar kompleks. Kebingungan sendiri dengan apa yang ingin dicapainya. Gagal takut sukses juga takut.